Thursday, October 21, 2010

It's a...

It's a girl!


She says hello. :)

We had another appointment with the perinatal specialist, to make sure the baby looks healthy and to find out the sex. Up to this point, nearly everyone was guessing that it was a girl except for April. Well, it turns out she was wrong, and we're both very happy and excited to be able to say that we have a baby girl on the way!

More ultrasound pictures are here, if you like that sort of thing.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mingus Plays Fetch

This is our black bengal cat, Mingus. He does all your typical cat things, but he also plays fetch with elastic hair ties. We're not totally sure why, since neither of our dogs has ever bothered to fetch anything, but it's pretty entertaining to see how determined he is. Check it out:

(That's a hair tie wedged in the blinds)

In The Beginning

Since the main reason we're starting this blog is to document the growth of our family, it only makes sense to start off by sharing some pictures of the (soon to be!) newest addition to our family.

At six and a half weeks:

ultrasound 1

10 and a half weeks:

ultrasound 2

12 and a half weeks:

ultrasound 3

14 and a half weeks:

ultrasound 4

Currently, the doctors say the baby is due in the first week of April. Yes, that's right, April is due in April. Laugh it up! We don't know the sex yet, but hopefully we'll find out soon and let you all know.

Thanks for reading!